Lightly Cooked Garden Greens

Mary McCabe • Mar 30, 2022

Green vegetables come in many ways, from leafy to varieties of the Brassica family of cabbages and mustards. They are also known as cruciferous vegetables or Cole crops due to their stem or stalk. There are infinite ways to cook these wonderful green vegetables, yet it is essential to retain their deep color and nutritional value.

Methods of cooking can determine the outcome towards the full potential of the result of the dish. There are many techniques for working with green vegetables: Blanching, steaming, boiling, sauteing, frying, pressed salad, pickling. Keeping green veggies in our daily diet is essential. It is easy to cook them quickly by blanching, steaming, or boiling. 

To Boil:

  1. Cut one-third of a bunch of broccoli into matching size crowns. Suitable to cut through the stem to create a manageable size. Use the stalks in other ways.
  2. Wash broccoli and set it aside.
  3. Bring enough water to cover broccoli and a pinch of sea salt (optional) to a boil.
  4. Add the broccoli and immerse the broccoli to cook evenly.
  5. Allow to cook for about four minutes, remove with a slotted spoon, and spread heads out evenly on a sushi mat or porous mat to cool. Serve. 

To Blanche:

  1. Wash the vegetables well. Depending on the type of vegetable, you can cut ahead or cook whole and then cut. With long leafy greens, it seems helpful to keep the stems and leaves together while cooking and then cut.
  2. Prepare a water and ice bath in a bowl to halt cooking and nutritional loss.
  3. Bring enough water to boil with salt to cover the vegetables. Immerse part of the vegetables in stages to not overcrowd the pot for even more cooking.
  4. Cook for 30 seconds (for leafy) to 1 minute to 2 minutes, depending on the thickness of the vegetable. The temperature ranges from 70 to 100 degrees.
  5. Remove with a slotted spoon/strainer and place in icy water to stop the cooking.
  6. When cooled after just a few minutes, remove and place on a porous mat to drain and serve.

Blanching is great for summer cooking or when you want to remove just the skin of a vegetable. The technique can also remove bitterness, such as broccoli rabe, or soften vegetables before roasting.

  1. Wash and blanch rabe for 30 seconds.
  2. Drain and squeeze out excess liquid.
  3. Cut into bite-size pieces.
  4. Sauté with garlic in olive oil, add salt to your taste

My close friend Gloria Elia showed this recipe to me, who assisted me in the early days when we cooked for macro folks out of my home. Another friend who knew Italian cooking did not

blanch first. Instead, she sauteed the garlic first in oil until the garlic was toasted golden. Then she removed the garlic and added the cut broccoli rabe to sauté until done.

Each method is delicious.

Buon Appetito!

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Ingredients Half cup dried whole barley One cup split pea One inch piece Kombu Two carrots diced Three stalks of celery diced One onion diced Eight cups water (approximately) One bay leaf 1 1/2 tsp. Sea Salt Soy sauce seasoning to taste Thyme, parsley, chives, scallions, parsley, and celery leaves your choice, try all, they make great flavor and nutrients.
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Preparation  Bring the water and kombu to a slow boil, remove kombu, set aside for later use. Add onions, allow to become transparent, add tofu, when tofu floats to the top, add wakame and mushrooms. Ladle some broth into a cup with the miso to soften, lower the flame to a simmer, add the melted miso. Do not boil miso, since miso is a live food, boiling will kill the microorganisms contained in the life of the miso. When the broth begins to move in a waving motion, 3 to 5 minutes turn it off and serve with the fresh scallions on top. This soup does not take long to make. It will keep in the fridge if leftover, but best served right away.
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By Mary McCabe 24 Feb, 2023
Natto is made from cooked whole soybeans that have been fermented with koji spores. Once it is prepared, there is no need for further cooking. It is usually served as a side dish as an accompaniment with grains and noodles. It can be prepared by stirring it to bring out the stickiness, then adding different flavors, such as soy sauce, grated fresh ginger, daikon radish, jinenjo mountain potato, mustard, horse radish, chives, scallions, nori slivers, and other seasonings. It can be made at home with a bit of preparation and can be purchased in Asian markets or online. I find it is difficult to find Natto made with organic soybeans, so I am going to attempt to make it at home. I ordered the Kawashima Natto Starter Powder through Amazon, will update when I do it. I made it years ago with Sensei Muramoto, and remember that it was very different and more delicious than the frozen packages available. Natto has a distinctive smell and flavor that people either love it or hate it. I have heard that people who eat a lot of dairy do not like it, I am not sure how true that is. The benefits to enjoying Natto are enormous. It is a super nutritious food. It is originated in Japan, where the cooked soybeans were wrapped in rice straw which naturally had the bacillus subtillis bacteria on its surface. This allowed the sugar in the beans to ferment creating Natto. Soybeans are a very hard bean. It takes a long time to cook them. Soybeans are a very important part of the vegetarian diet because they are a one of the highest quality sources of plant based protein, vitamins, minerals and isoflavones. They do contain anti-nutrients such as lectins, however, it has been studied that fermentation reduces the content by 95%.
By Mary McCabe 24 Feb, 2023
When I lived in Southern California, studying with Sensei Muramoto, we made dried persimmons. We would get cases of them. It was early winter and he had a wood burning stove, since it would get chilly. He built what appeared to be a makeshift fort to dry the peeled persimmons. He used grass mats and built them all around the wood burning stove. We would sit for hours peeling them. He took great pride in being able to peel the whole fruit with one long peel. I never could do it. Every day, he would turn them. When they began to be more dry, he would press them slightly in the middle. It took several weeks before they were ready. In the morning, we would slice them in slivers and serve them with green tea. It was the most delightful combination. He said it created a seventh taste. After I moved back to Philadelphia, we remained good friends. Every year, he would send me a big box of dried persimmons for Christmas. And every year, I would send him a wool vest with leather buttons from Lord & Taylor. My children and I loved them. His persimmons were the most beautiful, they would have a natural sugary coating and beautiful texture and sweetness. His hands had golden microbes. Every food he touched blossomed into it's most highest potential. There is no real recipe to creating dried persimmons. Buy fresh persimmons not too ripe. Wash and then carefully peel the skin off, leaving as much fruit as possible. Set them out on a clean straw mat or something that would be makeshift. The area should be warm, near a wood burning stove. Make sure they don't touch each other. With clean dry hands, turn them each day. When they begin to crystalize on the outside, press the center slightly. When they are completely dried yet tender, store them in a dry air paper box, like cardboard, with wax or parchment paper to store. I would slice them and best serve with green tea.
By Mary Mccabe 24 Feb, 2023
Mary's Warm Residential Retreat & Healthy Cooking Classes and Meals
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